Dsploit Apk {Rooted Users}

 the development of mobile devices and network, intelligent mobile phone has become a new paradise for hackers. Imagine, under this environment of everybody holds a smart phone nowadays, nothing is more active than the mobile phone viruses and the vulnerabilities’ exploits of software and mobile network. Therefore, to understand and master some practical security tools seems necessary and meaningful.

dSploit is a very powerful and popular professional penetration testing suite. In fact it’s also the only most complete and advanced one (it might be more appropriate to call it the hacker handy all-in-one toolkit) developed by Simone Margaritelli and sponsored by BackBox Linux (so when using you need to install the BusyBox) for Android OS, free and open source. AppNee likes to call it WiFi Killer!

Among similar apps (such as: zANTI, Network Spoofer, DroidSheep, FaceNiff, etc.), the only one comparable with dSploit is ZImperium‘s zANTI from Israel, yet zANTI’s biggest problem is it could not be popularized due to its commercial mode (although their function is almost the same, even zANTI has more beautiful UI and a few more and a little more powerful functions, such as password capturing and violent passwords guessing based on dictionary). But after merged with zANTI in 2014, they have a new version with name zANTI2, which will be released as a free and open source software soon (you can download here or here), that means both of them will get a better, more perfect development.

Key Features

WiFi Cracking
The WiFi scanner will show in green access points with known default key generation algorithms, clicking on them allows you to easily crack the key
Launch the RouterPWN service to pwn your router
Perform a traceroute on target
Port Scanner
A syn port scanner to find quickly open ports on a single target
Performs target operating system and services deep detection, slower than syn port scanner but more accurate
Vulnerability Finder
Search for known vulnerabilities for target running services upon National Vulnerability Database
Login Cracker
A very fast network logon cracker which supports many different services
Packet Forger
Craft and send a custom TCP or UDP packet to the target, such as Wake On LAN packets
Man In The Middle (MITM)
A set of man-in-the-middle tools to command&conquer the whole network
Simple Sniff
Redirect target’s traffic through this device and show some stats while dumping it to a PCAP file
Password Sniff
Sniff passwords of many protocols such as http, ftp, imap, imaps, irc, msn, etc from the target
Session Hijacker
Listen for cookies on the network and hijack sessions
Kill Connections
Kill connections preventing the target to reach any website or server
Redirect all the HTTP traffic to another address
Replace Images
Replace all images on webpages with the specified one
Replace Videos
Replace all YouTube videos on webpages with the specified one
Script Injector
Inject a JavaScript in every visited webpage
Custom Filter
Replace custom text on webpages with the specified one

Main Applications 

WiFi Scanning & Common Router Key Cracking
Deep Inspection
Vulnerability Search
Multi Protocol Login Cracker
Packet Forging with Wake On Lan Support
HTTPS/SSL Support ( SSL Stripping + HTTPS -> Redirection )
MITM Realtime Network Stats
MITM Multi Protocol Password Sniffing
MITM HTTP/HTTPS Hijacked Session File Persistance HTTP/HTTPS
MITM HTTP/HTTPS Realtime ManipulationHTTP / HTTPS

 System Requirements 

Android device should be 2.3+ with ARM CPU.
Android OS must be rooted.
Must have a full install of BusyBox, i.e. make sure you have its every utility installed

Edition Statement 

AppNee provides everyone two key versions of dSploit: v1.0.31 full version and v1.1.3 the last nightly build version (joined the Metasploit framework on the basis of the full version, which enables to perform attacks after detection). You can decide to use these old versions or just download the latest zANTI2 in order to get the latest code updates and features.
Nightly Build v1.1.3b (20140130):
new upgrade service ( uses notifications )
tools can now compiled using the android NDK
tools is built statically ( solves LD_LIBRARY_PATH bug )
improved the way we use root shells ( a lot improved )
now inspector can be run without the port scanner
some UI elements modifications
created a PreferenceActivity for manage options of MSF modules
Session class allow us to handle MSF opened sessions
created a very poor shell interface ( for opened MSF sessions )
*** Nightly releases could be extremely unstable.



Dsploit Apk {Rooted Users} Reviewed by alasfakcreation on 23:13 Rating: 5
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